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Welcome to Abingdon First Church of God

We are in the midst of a turbulent election cycle.  I don't know if your Congressman or Senator is up for election, but there is no doubt in my mind, you've not escaped the rhetoric on both sides of the aisle.  It concerns me, to say the least, that we seem to have degraded our republic, our election system, and even ourselves when we allow our society to be plagued by such negativity. 
It occurs to me that our only hope of a better society is for one of two things to happen, and neither of them concerns an election.  One of them is the obvious that we hear consistently from our pulpits, and it is the notion we must turn back to God.  I whole-heartedly agree, but I suspect we are getting ready to encounter the other option for a better society, and it is the second coming of Christ, where we will be taken home to be with the Lord, and with the saints of God who have gone on before.  Part of me wishes to quote the scripture in Revelation 22:20 where John says, "Even so, Lord Jesus, come."
This option, for the Christian carries two aspects for me.  One is the idea of being finished with this world and all its sorrow.  Kind of appealing when we look at it from that perspective, but... what about my family and friends who aren't ready.  This often makes me pause before invoking John's prayer earlier mentioned.  As I see society deteriorate around me, this thought of others who are not ready spurs me on to be even busier about the Kingdom of God, praying for and acting on the opportunities given me to reach others for Christ.
My hope for each of us is that we continue to be more determined to serve Christ with all we are, loving God and loving our neighbors as ourselve,
Bro. Bob

Pastor Bob Neace